Industrial sewing machines, wig hair sewing machine, ac servo motor, sewing machine, sewing machine industrial
- Region: South Korea
- Address:
- Contact: Mr. Jet Kim
- Phone: 10-3238-0775
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Company Description
Unicorn corp., which was established in 1961 and the first ever sewing machine maker in Korea, has been in the industrial sewing machine business over 50 years. In 1965, the first assembly plant was built up in Pusan, associated with Japanese Brother. Mainly lockstitch machines were produced in this plant and sold in the Korean market or supplied back to Japan as OEM. After then, in 1973, we produced over & interlock machines in the second plant made by the contract with Pegasus. We also had the closed business relationship with mistubishi to boost its technical levels.Thanks to these efforts, we could gain a great reputation from the world, exporting 1,800 sewing machines to west Germany for the first time, in 1966.In the meantime, we created our own sewing machine brand, "Unicorn". Unicorn machines includes a large range of machines, from single needle lockstitch machines to computer-controlled pattern machines. Now, we are exporting Unicorn into worldwide and has overseas branches in the place like China, Guatemala, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia to Promote sales and management. In addition to that, over hundred of distributors in the globe enter into Unicorn. If you form a partnership with us, you must get a good opportunity.