Exporting in recent years, many low grade products and factories emerged. Plenty of users directed at cheap price away, but quality of those products are uneven. A number of manufacturers trimmed the corners to gain more profit. When goods reached hands of users, most of them are needed to be repaired in a short time. The current export situation is becoming more difficulty. We,G-max, proactively meet customer expectations by providing quality products & services with affordable price through our professional standards and sustained efforts. Hope we could offer you reasonable tools at right price. Under the market competition being fiercer, perfect quality evaluation system, testing standards and inspection system are built accordingly. We truly control the quality from raw material to finished products through quality evaluation system. While establishing Sales Department, Purchasing Department, Quality Department and Finance Department, who fulfill their responsibilities to accomplish each order and supply satisfied products to customers.From the inception to till date, G-max never believed in advertisement to raise reputation and receive orders. Even never offered inferior quality products to gain & expand market & profit. Based on China, we do hope we will,,continuously focusing on "Users can afford high quality goods".
Country / Region
Business Type
Trading Company
Turnover One Year
Year Established
11 - 50 People
Main Markets
Western Europe: 75%
Oceania: 10%
North America: 10%
Oceania: 10%
North America: 10%
Main Products
Cordless Tool, Woodworking Tools, Drills, Grinders, Hammers
Top Products
Trade Markets
Main Markets | Total Revenue(%) | Main Product(s) |
Western Europe | 75 | |
North America | 10 | |
Oceania | 10 |