we have our own R&D team,products can meet military standard.will provide customer with stable quality and high efficiency products.And products won several national patents for its innovative technology.Products exported to more than 20countries for around 12years,and own good reputation among clients. We will make efforts to develop easy to control and maintain machine for customers.
Country / Region
Business Type
Trading Company
Turnover One Year
Below US$1 Million
Year Established
51 - 100 People
Main Markets
Southern Europe: 10%
South Asia: 10%
Domestic Market: 10%
South Asia: 10%
Domestic Market: 10%
Main Products
Electroplating rectifier, immersion heater, rotator machine, industrial chiller, centrifugal pump
Top Products
- HN 4000A CE Electrolysis Nickel Zinc Copper Gold Silver Anodizing Barrel Chrome Plating Equipment Electroplating Machinery
- HN industrial dc adjustable switching power supply 8v 1500amp 2000amp anodizing rectifier bronze plating rectifiers machine
- Hannie Plating Equipment Barrel Plating Tank Anodizing Kit Barrel Plating Plant
Trade Markets
Main Markets | Total Revenue(%) | Main Product(s) |
Southern Europe | 10 | |
South Asia | 10 | |
Domestic Market | 10 |