AKSHAR Group of Company was established in the year 1999. It is based at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Mr. Kishan Patel is the Owner of our company under whose leadership we have carved a niche for ourselves as one of the major manufacturer and supplier of solar pv panels and Solar Products."Akshar",the organization founded by business entrepreneurs who have good knowledge of technical aspects of Solar Systems. We at "Akshar Solar" are committed to offer solar panel and solar systems at competitive price. We have focus to achieve appreciation for our solutions for which we have adopted innovative business approach, operational excellence and technological expertise to Design the Systems. We at "AKSHAR Group of Company" proudly announce our active contribution in economic transformation of our country, environmental protection and "Green Life" using sustainable energy resources.AKSHAR Group of Company was established in the year 1999. It is based at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Mr. Kishan Patel is the Owner of our company under whose leadership we have carved a niche for ourselves as one of the major manufacturer and supplier of solar pv panels and Solar Products."Akshar",the organization founded by business entrepreneurs who have good knowledge of technical aspects of Solar Systems. We at "Akshar Solar" are committed to offer solar panel and solar systems at competitive price. We have focus to achieve appreciation for our solutions for which we have adopted innovative business approach, operational excellence and technological expertise to Design the Systems. We at "AKSHAR Group of Company" proudly announce our active contribution in economic transformation of our country, environmental protection and "Green Life" using sustainable energy resources.
Country / Region
Business Type
Turnover One Year
Below US$1 Million
Year Established
5 - 10 People
Main Markets
Western Europe: 11%
Mid East: 11%
Eastern Asia: 11%
Mid East: 11%
Eastern Asia: 11%
Main Products
Solar Laminator, Solar Production line, Solar panel making machinery, Solar tabber stringer, solar laminating machine
Top Products
Trade Markets
Main Markets | Total Revenue(%) | Main Product(s) |
Eastern Asia | 11 | |
Mid East | 11 | |
Western Europe | 11 |