In 1996,cixi membrane keypad factory was founded and quickly gained a reputation for reliability.Today we have many customers from all over the word.Over the last 20 years through investing heavily in R&D,now membrane keypad is with emphasis on quality and user friendly operation.Our product range has been carefully designed to guarantee the convenience and security of users. Meet the requirements of customers is our priority and we stringently test our products to ensure they are easy to install, require minimum maintenance, and provide long term to use.Through rigorous innovation membrane keypad ,it is constantly striving to develop products and will help users enjoy their work&life in ways they never thought possible.
Country / Region
Business Type
Turnover One Year
US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million
Year Established
101 - 200 People
Main Markets
Northern Europe: 12%
Central America: 12%
Southern Europe: 12%
Main Products
membrane switch, membrane keypad, rubber keypad, PCB, membrane

Trade Markets

Main Markets Total Revenue(%) Main Product(s)
Northern Europe 12
Southern Europe 12
Central America 12