GuangZhou SMARTLION Co. is manufacturer and meanwhile an exporting company of Auto spare parts. -- 20 years' professional experiences in China's auto parts industry;-- 4 Factories of Ignition coils, Brake pads/Brake shoes, Wheel/Clutch cylinders and C.V. Joints (application for full range of car models); -- 2 offices in Guangzhou -- 2 wholesaler stores in Guangzhou-- 3 big warehouse in Guangzhou--Exporting full range of car parts for PEUGEOT, RENAULT, FIAT, KIA, HYUNDAI and DAEWOO, TOYOTA;--Experienced team members are proficient in searching/ sampling / QC, Multilingual communication (supply translators for English, French, Arabic as well as Russian ) with customers from all-over the world.
Country / Region
Business Type
Trading Company
Turnover One Year
US$50 Million - US$100 Million
Year Established
101 - 200 People
Main Markets
Central America: 11%
Eastern Asia: 11%
Northern Europe: 11%
Main Products
Brake Pads, C.V Joint, Ignition Coil, Wheel Cylinder, Cylinder Head

Trade Markets

Main Markets Total Revenue(%) Main Product(s)
Eastern Asia 11
Northern Europe 11
Central America 11