Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Newbega RFID technology is a professional RFID product manufacturer and solution provider with products including: contact and contactless smart cards, RFID HF and UHF tags, key fobs and wristbands, etc. "Quality comes first.",Newbega,since the establishment, has put quality as the first option.As a reliable supplier,Newbega sell products to the Europe, AMEA, the US etc, and win great reputation from our customers. We have separate QA department and R&D department thus we can always fast to help our customers to solve their problems. NewBega always upholds the spirit of "Talent is the first productive force". Set quality as fundamental strategic, we continuously innovate and use advanced production equipment and strong technical force to strictly manage production, strengthen quality control, and to strive to provide the highest-quality products for users.
Country / Region
Business Type
Turnover One Year
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Year Established
5 - 10 People
Main Markets
North America: 80%
Western Europe: 12%
Mid East: 5%
Main Products
RFID card, RFID printing card, RFID keyfob, RFID wristband, RFID reader

Trade Markets

Main Markets Total Revenue(%) Main Product(s)
North America 80
Western Europe 12
Mid East 5