Hober Technology.,LTD is a professional engaged in the design, the solar system and embedded system development, sales of high-tech companies, was founded in 2006. The company inherited the rich experience in solar energy and the embedded field, with computer technology, the advanced management method and mode of operation, has made proud achievements in the field, a strong influence in the area of the company. Enterprise vision:The field of solar energy leader Enterprise target:Sunshine, water, quality of life Business philosophyQuality, service, innovation The spirit of enterprise:Confidence, patience, responsibility heart; the right way of doing things, the spirit of teamwork The main products include:1. Solar water pump system: solar energy, inverter, AC/DC pump 2. Solar tracking and control system: real-time tracking the sun light changes, adjust the angle of the light guide plate, pump water system around the clock output the maximum 3. Solar water pumping applications: real-time monitoring diagnosis system of water pump system operation condition, feedback to the control center, comprehensive evaluation, report generation In the future, Hober will continue to view from the customer, the customer would like to think, urgent customer needs, provide a full range of products and services.
Country / Region
Business Type
Turnover One Year
Below US$1 Million
Year Established
5 - 10 People
Main Markets
South Asia: 30%
Mid East: 20%
South America: 10%
Mid East: 20%
South America: 10%
Main Products
solar pump inverter, solar pump controller, dc solar pump controller, solar dc pump, irrigation solar pump inverter
Top Products
Trade Markets
Main Markets | Total Revenue(%) | Main Product(s) |
South Asia | 30 | |
Mid East | 20 | |
South America | 10 |